Projects we're working on and products we've developed.



Fitness Certification & Booking System

Solving the client conversion problem for fitness & martial arts pros. Pretty Deadly Self Defense is an accredited trainer certification and plug-in course curriculum for fitness and martial arts pros to add responsible women's self defense courses as a powerful onboarding and retention tool, grow their client base, and create a positive social impact for their communities.

Sports & Fitness

Health & Wellness, Marketplace, B2B


AI-powered mobility data API


Data Upcycling Platform

Solving the siloed data problem in urban analytics for city planners. Citiva is a cost effective approach to use available tools for new outcomes. Taking existing siloed urban data, our algorithm identifies patterns in data-sets, measuring against pre-defined parameters for accessibility, walkability, mass transit adoption. Prototype.

Solving the gender data gap in mobility analytics for transportation providers. HALO is an AI-powered API that delivers illustrated safety guides to commuters to de-escalate, disrupt and evacuate gender-based violence situations, while providing behavior-driven geolocation and incident data to mobility providers to pinpoint and predict criminal activity, encourage precision allocation of security budgets and increase commuter trust.


Mobility, MaaS, Mass Transportation, Ridesharing, Sustainable Cities

Urban planning, Sustainable Cities, Open Data, Data Analytics, Accessibility


Web3 Mobile App


AI-Powered Home Exchange Platform

Solving the petsitting problem for home exchangers. Love the idea of home exchange but don't know what to do with your pet? GoCat provides a platform to find reliable, vetted 1:1 home exchange options with other responsible pet owners. Leave the dog and GoCat.

Solving the energy sustainability problem for displacement camps. ReBuiLDR is a Web3 mobile app for disaster first responders that provides responsive positioning for shelter solar panels and a decentralized EMS to allow energy module trading within the camp and surrounding communities for sustainability and economic empowerment for camp residents.

Travel & Migration

Blockchain, GIS, Renewable Energy, Climate Tech

Travel tech, Home Exchange, Pet Tech